PMU courses in Budapest
PMU made by a good master allows a woman to look perfect at any time and under any circumstances.
Would you like to take PMU courses in Budapest? Our salon «VeAn Tattoo» is glad to offer you the opportunity to master the secrets of the profession under the guidance of experienced masters. You will be practicing a lot and in the shortest possible time will be ready to become a real professional.

What will we teach you?
Various techniques and methods of permanent make-up give every woman a great opportunity to get rid of small cosmetic defects, to create an expressive eyes and seductive lips, to give brightness to the eyebrows.
More and more women are choosing PMU as an alternative to the use of decorative cosmetics. This means that your PMU courses in Budapest will open the way for you to an incredibly promising, interesting, creative profession that gives women beauty and confidence.
The training program is developed by our specialists and includes classes the theory part and practice classes. In the course of mastering theoretical knowledge, you will learn:
- basic concepts and information from the history of permanent make-up;
- the instrument and rules of sanitizing;
- health standards for PMU procedure;
- the rules for the execution of an agreement signed by each client;
- features of different types of equipment;
- local anesthesia and ways of its usage;
- contraindications to PMU procedures;
- procedure for different types of skin.

In addition, in the theoretical classes you will be told about the basics of coloristic and make-up, pay attention to psychological techniques that will allow you to find an approach to each client.
During the practical training you will learn:
- how to prepare the tools and the workplace for the procedure;
- correct setting of the tool during procedure;
- sketches - both on a sheet of paper and directly on the alive model;
- how to provide local anesthesia;
- communication with clients, ways of resolving conflict situations;
- practice under the supervision of an experienced master.

PMU courses in Budapest:
how to choose a course?
Every student who wants to learn what is PMU, has to come to us to develop own skills, archive personal goals and objectives.
So, everyone can get the necessary knowledge and experience, we offer you these categories of training courses:
- «Basic» - these are 7 classes, where you will learn theoretical bases, PMU on artificial skin, as well as - work with the real model in the presence of a master.
- «Standard» - these are 9 productive activities that will teach you all the intricacies of working with the tool, will allow you to master the techniques of preparing the client for the procedure. The student will train lip and eyebrow PMU on artificial skin and real models.
- «Premium» is the most detailed course of 13 classes, where the student obtains knowledge and skills from shorter programs, learns all kinds of PMU - eyelids (classic lines and blush effect), eyebrows and lips. Each student will master skills on the artificial material and real models.

What else will
you learn?
The main result of such PMU souses in Budapest is obtaining a certificate, which opens wide prospects of employment in one of the salons or studios «VeAn Tattoo», as well as the broadest opportunities for the implementation of own business project.
To pass the training on favorable terms, be sure to follow the special offers, promotions and discounts. All necessary information is available on the website of our salon.